Leading Impact Teams 2.0

Book Cover and Interior Design and Layout, Interior Illustrations, Typesetting, Production Design

Objective: Design the second edition of a best-selling book. 

The first edition of Leading Impact Teams was the foundation for Paul Bloomberg’s consulting company, The Core Collaborative. The book was his “baby.” As in-house Creative Director, my job for the second edition was to marry the style of the first edition with The Core Collaborative’s new brand: keep the new cover essentially identical, create a more ambitious interior design, and use TCC-branded illustrations so that they could be used in TCC consulting and presentations.

The resulting design is a balancing act between old and new. I used the old Impact Teams logomark in a background pattern and as visual marker for chapter starts and resources. I set headings in the typeface from the old Impact Teams logo, used the corresponding serif family for body copy, and the condensed sans-serif family for tables. The interior illustrations all reflected the new TCC brand: Goldplay typeface, icons from the brand guide, outlined circles with sharp drop-shadows as framing devices in infographics, and ample use of white space.

CLIENT: Paul Bloomberg and Barb Pitchford

ROLES: In-house Creative Director, Book Design, Illustrations, Typesetting, Production files.

Book Projects

The Project Habit

Book Cover, Interior Illustrations, Page Layout, Promotional Graphics

Leading Impact Teams

Book Cover, Interior Design and Layout, Illustrations, Typesetting, Production Design

Building the Elite

Book Design, Photo Selection, Typesetting, Production Design

Rigorous PBL by Design® Deep Dive

Book Cover, Interior Infographics and Iconography, Interior Design & Layout